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5 Reasons Why Vehicle Wraps Are Effective Marketing

Sep 16, 2020 by Wrapture Graphics

5 Reasons Why Vehicle Wraps Are Effective Marketing
Marketing is all about audience reach. Is your current marketing strategy reaching all your prospective customers? Take your marketing message where your customers are. Let's face it — your customers are everywhere. But unlike a static billboard that is only viewed by those who pass directly in front of it, vehicle wraps take your marketing message all over the area.
Vehicle wraps are one of the most powerful and cost-effective marketing tools available.

Here are 5 reasons why vehicle wraps are effective marketing for your business:

24/7 promotion

Radio and TV ads are purchased for a scheduled time with a narrow audience. Vehicle wraps are marketing for you all day, everyday, everywhere the vehicle goes.

Reach your target audience on their own turf 

When customers see your marketing message in their own comfort zone, they are more likely to reach out to you rather than a competitor that they may seem more distant to them.

It's a creative way to advertise specials and deals 

Your audience is numb to TV and print ads promoting "limited time offers," but seeing a special deal in the unlikely location of a vehicle wrap grabs their attention. Here's a marketing tip: make the special offer unique to vehicle viewers so you can track its effectiveness!

Vehicle wrap marketing is budget-friendly

Besides audience reach, a key marketing metric is cost per impression (CPM). A vehicle wrap is very affordable, and when you consider the number of views it gets while on the roads 24/7 (moving or parked), it has a very good CPM rate.

Non-aggressive marketing style 

Most advertising channels are invasive to your customers. Radio and TV ads interrupt entertainment just as the plot gets exciting. Online ads slow web page loads, and interrupt content viewing. Vehicle wraps co-exist on the road with your audience without interruption.
These are just five of many reasons why vehicle wraps are worth the investment for your business. If you want to hear more, or if you've heard enough, contact Wrapture Graphics for your vehicle wrap project.

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